New section: Media Coverage/Comments
25/05/07 16:59
I added a new section on the website (Under Publications) outlining some media coverage/comments on my research. In addition, a new video is added showing an experimental confirmation of slow-switching dynamics published in our paper in Science. Thanks to C raig G. Rusin for the nice work on the video.
Article in Science
24/05/07 15:07
Today Science published our new paper entitled "Engineering Complex Dynamical Structures: Sequential Patterns and Desynchronization" by Istvan Z. Kiss, Craig G. Rusin, Hiroshi Kori, and John L. Hudson.
New Photos: GRC 2007
10/04/07 10:17
I have added new photos of the Gordon Research Conference in Oxford, 2006. Thanks to Rita Toth for the photos.
Attendance of Conference in Germany
10/04/07 09:42
I am going to attend the "3rd International IEEE Scientific Conference on Physics and Control" (PhysCon 2007). The conference will be held in Potsdam/Germany on Sept 3-7, 2007. I will give a presentation on modeling and control of synchronization properties of electrochemical systems at a Minisymposium on "Control of Network Dynamics" organized by Alexander Mikhailov and Hiroshi Kori. It should be a great conference with plenary lectures given by (among others) Kenneth Showalter and Edward Ott.
Change of Affiliation
09/03/07 10:05
I am happy to announce that I have accepted an offer from the Chemistry Department of Saint Louis University for an assistant professor position. I will start working there in the first week of August. Please check my Contact page for the new address.