February 2010
218th ECS Meeting, Las Vegas
11/02/10 20:01
With Prof. Varela we are organizing an ECS Symposium on Oscillations and Pattern Formation in Electrochemical Systems.
The conference will be held in Las Vegas Oct 10-15, 2010. Abstract submission is now open. We are excited to present our two invited speakers: Prof. Shuji Nakanishi from Tokyo University who will be talking about nonlinear conduction of electricity producing microbes and Prof. Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach who will be presenting his results on oscillating fuel cells.
The conference will be held in Las Vegas Oct 10-15, 2010. Abstract submission is now open. We are excited to present our two invited speakers: Prof. Shuji Nakanishi from Tokyo University who will be talking about nonlinear conduction of electricity producing microbes and Prof. Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach who will be presenting his results on oscillating fuel cells.